“I got here turning myself into a little monster which is trying to absorb every piece of information.”

“I got here turning myself into a little monster which is trying to absorb every piece of information.”

When writing about yourself, sometimes a step back is needed. Gotta think about what you have learned about your thoughts, emotions,  lessons and more. It’s something we usually have to put some energy and effort into. But, we believe it’s worth every minute.

When you are able to introspect, you become more confident, capable of appreciating your own true qualities and you get one step closer to a better version of yourself. And that’s no small thing.

When we started “Looking within to see beyond” challenge, everybody was discussing, during their coffee breaks, how they should approach this topic. “What if my answers are not good? How should the answers sound like? What can I possibly write about myself?” were the 3 most asked questions.

In an attempt to reduce worries, the marketing team came with a piece of useful advice: write from the bottom of your heart. There are no right or wrong answers. Don’t follow any tips and tricks about how to write a perfect about me description, just write whatever comes to mind and it will be perfect.

That being said, enjoy this post about our intern, Miruna, who was brave enough to pursue our challenge “Looking within to see beyond”.

Ready ? Here we go.

Who are you?

I am a happy, positive person, in and out. It took me a long time to say it. I’ve been an optimist for years and years, but somehow I felt it was intellectually disrespectful to say one was an optimist, because it assumed knowledge that one didn’t have. Somehow, it was better to say one was a realist. I finally decided that I’m a creature of emotion as well as reason. Emotionally, I am an optimist. I don’t have the evidence to prove that problems don’t exist, but I strongly suspect that there is an algorithm somewhere which can solve every each of them. – after Isaac Asimov.

What you do?

Code for a living and live for coding, Laugh at the trouble and trouble about others’ laugh.

Why do you do what you do? What drives you to get out of bed every morning and go to work?

As I grew up listening to Pink Floyd and building my high hopes, I learned that we are “encumbered forever by desire and ambition” and even if “though down this road we’ve been so many times” ,”there was a hunger still unsatisfied” ( High Hopes ). I would believe what I heard until I discovered programming. After a road full  of lost games, I understand that “in life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate” ( Isaac Asimov ), so I will get out of bed every morning to lose over and over again until I evolve and fulfill those high hopes.

How did you get there?

I get here turning myself in a little monster which is trying to absorb every piece of information associated with the vast domain of informatics, a little monster full of enthusiasm.

How does your background make you unique? 

M– merciful I– inventive R– restless U– unremittingN– non-negativists A- affective

In terms of the work you do, what aspects are you most passionate about and why?

I’m most passionate about the logic behind the processes, the ways processes are linked to obtain the desired result.

What do you usually do in your free time?

Besides the normal people’s activities, I love to encode messages in games for bunnies

Do you know what you’re good at?

I strongly believe that, in the end, I’m good at every activity in which I invest time, passion and hard work .

What makes you offbeat, interesting, different from the rest? 

Through my eyes every person is unique in its own way, so maybe that’s what makes me offbeat.

What makes you human? 

All of these spontaneous decisions, emotions, neglected actions and first thoughts are the elements that define the true personality of a person. If these actions express, no matter how little, compassion, empathy and kindness, then you can call yourself a human. The purity of your soul makes you immortal, however, without all of these attributes or without the “evaluation” for them, we are all mortals on planet Earth.

Tell something odd or unusual, something most other people don’t say or are afraid to say. 

Everybody is afraid of talking about their night dreams, so I’m only daydreaming.