Environments as a Service Usecases

Environments as a Service Usecases

Enable developer self-service, cut testing time and accelerate time to market

Enable developer self-service, cut testing time and accelerate time to market

Works with
any cloud

+on prem

+on prem

See Bunnyshell in Action


Explore how Bunnyshell redefines development and deployment

Explore how Bunnyshell redefines development and deployment

Streamline Development with Primary Environments

Bunnyshell enables teams to create and manage primary development environments with ease. Utilize templates to quickly spin up new environments, ensuring consistency across your development lifecycle. Ideal for standardizing development and testing setups, this feature saves time and reduces configuration errors, allowing teams to focus on innovation.

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Accelerate Feedback Loops with Ephemeral Environments

Ephemeral environments are automatically generated for each pull request, providing a unique, isolated testing ground for new features and bug fixes. These environments mimic production settings closely, ensuring that any issues are caught early. Once the pull request is merged or closed, the environment is automatically cleaned up, streamlining the review process and facilitating a faster feedback loop.

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Empower Developers with Remote Development

Bunnyshell's remote development capabilities allow developers to sync their local code changes to containers running in Kubernetes, enabling coding directly in the cloud. This feature eliminates the need for extensive local development setups, making it easier to onboard new team members and reducing the "it works on my machine" syndrome. It's an invaluable tool for teams adopting a cloud-native development approach.

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Ensure Quality with Automated Testing

Integrate Bunnyshell into your CI/CD pipeline to create isolated environments for automated testing. This allows you to run comprehensive end-to-end tests in environments that closely resemble your production setup, ensuring that your applications perform as expected under real-world conditions. By automating this process, you can significantly reduce the time and effort required for testing, enabling more frequent releases and higher-quality software.

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Deploy your first environment in minutes

Get started now with a FREE account. No credit-card needed.

Accelerate Product Development

Bunnyshell streamlines every phase of product development, from initial coding to deployment and beyond, ensuring a smoother, faster, and more efficient process.

Accelerating Development and Testing

Provides developers with instant environments for faster coding, testing, and bug fixing.


Enables developers to easily share and collaborate on environments within teams.


Automates deployments to various environments, reducing manual work and errors.

Improving developer productivity

Eliminates time spent on managing environments, allowing developers to focus on core tasks.


Guarantees consistent environments across development, testing, and production.

infrastructure costs

Optimizes resource allocation and eliminates idle environments, minimizing infrastructure costs.


Facilitates secure deployments and helps maintain compliance with regulations.

Experimentation and innovation

Enables running multiple development environments for trying out new technologies and ideas.


Simplifies the development and deployment of microservices architectures.


Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.


Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.


Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.


Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

What is Environments as a Service (EaaS)?

EaaS is a service where the application and environment run together while undergoing version control, and it uses automation to perform server configuration for specific applications.

What is an Ephemeral Environment?

What are the benefits of EaaS?

Is Bunnyshell SOC 2 Compliant?

How to integrate Bunnyshell with common CI/CD and DevOps tools?

Go live in one day

Setting up is a matter of putting together what you already have and use in different places. And we're here to help.

Bunnyshell is an Environments as a Service platform to create and manage dev, staging, and production environments on Kubernetes for any application.

©2024 Bunnyshell Inc · All rights reserved.

Bunnyshell is an Environments as a Service platform to create and manage dev, staging, and production environments on Kubernetes for any application.

©2024 Bunnyshell Inc · All rights reserved.